News Articles
Coventry Gardens Champion Tree Project!
Posted on Jun 9th, 2009

CGIA is sponsoring a project to locate the biggest tree in our neighborhood! Could it be one of the cottonwoods near the park pavilion? Or a majestic tulip poplar in the Byers’ back yard? Maybe it is a giant oak down in the ravine. Do you know of an unusually large tree in Coventry Gardens that might turn out to be our champion tree?
People around the country have been collecting big tree data for decades. Trees are judged using a point system that is determined by adding a tree’s circumference, height and a percentage of the crown spread. The American Forests organization keeps a National Register of Big Trees and offers a measuring guide at their website. The Michigan Botanical Club also has a Big Tree Project described at their website. These websites provide links to databases of Champion Trees in the nation or state, respectively.
Any Coventry Gardens resident may participate in the CGIA Champion Tree Project. Young mathematicians can sharpen their skills with a real life application. The first step is to identify a tree on your property or in a public space. Next, measure the circumference, height, and crown spread using the methods described by American Forests or Michigan Botanical Club on their websites. Submit your measurements and the location of the tree along with your name, address and phone number to Dave Hill. A CGIA representative will check all trees to verify the measurements.
The CGIA Champion Tree will be announced at the Summer Picnic on August 8, 2009.